Monday, November 2, 2009

Frequently Asked Rental Questions!

If my personal property is damaged by fire or theft while I am a tenant, will the landlord have to compensate me for my loss?

Not necessarily. Many tenants assume that their belongings are protected under the landlord's insurance. But unless the fire or theft was the result of a negligent act by the landlord, he is not responsible for your loss. Therefore, it is generally a good idea for you to purchase renter's insurance for your protection.

I filled out an application to rent an apartment and gave the landlord money to "hold" the apartment for me. Now I have found another place that I like better. Can I get my money back?

Probably not. Money you give to "hold" an apartment generally can be kept by the landlord. It is the price you pay to ensure that the landlord does not rent the apartment to someone else.

Can I withhold my rent if the landlord does not do the repairs?

No, not without a court order or the permission of the landlord. Give the landlord a written request for repairs, and keep a copy. If a reasonable time passes and the repairs are not properly done, you may seek a rent reduction in Small Claims Court for the decreased value of your apartment. If the landlord ignores your request to fix the problem and your apartment is uninhabitable, you may be able to vacate the apartment and end the landlord-tenant relationship under a legal theory called "constructive eviction." Consult an attorney for advice.

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