Monday, December 21, 2009

Letting Go to Enjoy Freedom

I just came across this little story and I must say that I can totally relate to it at times. In parts of South America, and other places in the world as well, people have a method for trapping monkeys that is so easy - it’s scary.
To make the trap, first they hollow out a gourd or a coconut leaving an opening just large enough for a monkey’s hand to go through. Next, they place peanuts inside the gourd, then attach a vine to the gourd and stake the other end of the vine to the ground somewhere out of sight.
The monkey smells the nuts inside the gourd and reaches in to grab it. However, the opening, which was just large enough for their hand to go in, is too small for his closed hand to go back through. No matter how much the monkey pulls, he cannot escape as long as he tries to hang on to his “prize.”
Meanwhile, the hunter who set the trap, comes along and captures the monkey, and all because the monkey wouldn’t let go of the prize. All he had to do was let go and he would be free, but he keeps hanging on.
So how many times have we found in our life that we are trying to hold onto something so hard and if we would just let go of it, we would have our freedom?
Anyways, I could kind of relate to this story in some of the areas of my life and so I wanted to share it with you. The moral of this story is – let go of the “peanuts” and enjoy some freedom.
Now the application for you today is, do you find yourself in the housing market trying to hold on to your so called “prize?”
Maybe you’re renting and you’re afraid to let go of that and go into home ownership. There has never been a better time to buy than right now.
Maybe you bought your house three years ago with 100% financing and because of the housing market crash, the value of your home is not what it was and your find yourself “stuck” so to speak with your hand in the gourd. We want you to know there are answers for those problems.
Give us a call or shoot us a quick email and let us share some options. Please don’t sit there with your hand in the gourd and let yourself get shot at. There are some answers and we want to help you.

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