Monday, January 11, 2010

I Can't Believe Google Can Do This

You know, I just love Google. They have so many tools and gadgets I could give you a tip every week for a year and still have more left over. This week I want to tell you about a little known tool that is gonna come in very handy for you. So sometimes you need to solve a math problem and you just don’t have a calculator handy and the one on your cell phone is way too complicated. Well if you open up Google, you can put math problems right in the search bar and it will give you the solution. It gives you the answers for very simple equations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, but it also gives the answer for very complicated math problems like calculus or trigonometry. How cool is that? For example, if you type 67 X 37 in the search bar and then hit the enter button, up pops the answer which is 2,479. This is really cool because you can use it anywhere you have access to a computer. And you don’t have to remember calculator website names.Isn’t that great? You know what makes Google such a valuable resource is that they seem to have an answer for everything on the internet. And that’s exactly what we want to be for you with all your housing needs. Whether you are buying or selling, if you have questions that need answers, no matter how simple or how complicated, give us a call. We have people on our team that do nothing but look in every nook and cranny to make sure you keep as much of your hard earned dollars in your pocket as possible.

1 comment:

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