Monday, October 19, 2009

Don't Let Your Valuables Go Down The Drain!

Now I’m sure you’ve seen the old sitcoms where someone loses a ring or something down the sink and the hilarious antics of trying to retrieve it. Well I’m here to tell you it doesn’t just happen in comedy shows; it happens in real-life too and I saw it this weekend. So here’s what happened…Someone dropped their ring down the drain.
So the ring goes down where you have a little goose-neck catch; anything heavy falls in this area and does not get flushed all the way down the drain. This assumes that the water is not running, so make sure you have turned the water off. Now if your ring ends up all the way down the drain, well you are going to be getting a new ring, right? But as long as it is in the little goose-neck catch, you can get it out. Here is what you do: Get out a Shop-Vac. Everyone has a Shop-Vac right? If you don’t, your neighbor does. Get a ladies stocking and put it over the hose of the Shop-Vac. In other words, the hose part that does the vacuuming has pantyhose over the top. Then take the hose and put it in the sink right over the drain and turn the vacuum on for about 30 seconds. In this case, the ring, which was caught in the goose-neck trap, was then sucked up. Very clever little trick. I hope you never have to use it, but at least you know what to do if it ever happens to you and 99 chances out of 100, the ring or whatever you dropped is going to be right there on the pantyhose from the vacuum cleaner. I love this trick. This one would be a good one to share with friends and family.
The point of me telling you this story is to let you know that there are always solutions to what you are going through. I know that it is a challenging time right now for some people, but keep in mind it is an opportunity for others.
And this is a great time to be buying houses right now guys, I’m telling you there are some real good deals out there. For those of you looking to sell - houses are starting to move and the market has definitely turned. We are seeing a lot of activity right now. So give us a call or shoot us an email. Thanks for joining us today and we will talk to you when you call in.

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