Monday, October 12, 2009

Green Apples Can Help Sell Your Home

We just had a staff meeting and one of our team members brought in a report that was written by the Smell And Taste Treatment Research Foundation of Chicago – whew that’s a mouthful. They specialize in how smells and tastes affect us as human beings. In this report it said that the smell of apples, of green apples to be exact, is a great cure for claustrophobia.
Now I know you’re saying, “Wait a minute! What does this have to do with buying and selling houses?” I will tell you in just a second. But if you ever find yourself in a tight spot and feeling a little claustrophobic, make sure you have enough room to carry an extra green apple in your pocket! Smell it before you go into a small space. They say it works amazingly.
Now the good stuff – they took a group of people and brought them into rooms. They asked them to estimate the size of the rooms. Then, they did nothing but add the smell of green apples to those rooms, and consistently the subjects estimated the rooms bigger than they really were. It was absolutely amazing. Something in the smell messes with our concept of space, making things seem bigger and more spacious.
So what does this mean for you? If any of you are looking to sell a house, put the smell of green apples in it. You can use actual apples or go to the store and get a room deodorizer with the smell of green apple. By getting the smell of green apples, it gives a spaciousness feel to the home. That is great news.

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